by Gia Lucy
“I can get a deal on this parachute. It’s only got a two-star safety rating, but it's cheap,” said the skydiver, NEVER!
Most everyone can agree that a person’s single most valuable asset is their health. Even skydivers, the ultimate risk-takers, know not to skimp when it comes to quality equipment. Their life depends on it.
Gyms and aquatic centers have long been a haven for people wanting to get healthy and stay healthy. They are a social hub and a small piece of paradise, dedicated to helping restore, build and protect health. Many offer a whole host of water fitness activities from traditional aqua aerobics to the newest rage in Aqua Cycling and Aqua Trampoline. And when members arrive it's clear to them that they have arrived someplace special.
As health clubs, gyms, aquatic centers, and fitness instructors, we are stewards of our member's health, and as such, have a responsibility and a privilege to protect them.
Successful aquatic centers make it their mission to provide their members with high-quality, physical fitness activities while creating a safe and inclusive environment, one that will bring them back day after day and year after year. This is where investing in quality fitness equipment and certification training is imperative.
Read below to learn why it is safer, lasts longer, and is by far the smartest purchase you can make.
The old adage, you get what you pay for, is especially poignant when it comes to fitness equipment. The price usually equals that of its quality. Lower-priced equipment needs to cut corners at the manufacturing level in order to offer the piece of equipment for less money, thus compromising the quality and oftentimes the safety of the people training on the equipment.
Take, for example, the Aqua Body Strong™ Water Fitness Board. It’s certainly not the most expensive board on the market but it is the best quality board on the market.
Four points of tethering to create a very sturdy anchoring system.
The deck is made of a textured EVA material to prevent slipping.
Made with a double layer of PVC on the top and bottom of the board as well as on all four sides to prevent the board from bowing in the middle.
Comes with a Nationally Recognized Certification Training Program
Two points of tethering leave the boards very wobbly and unsafe.
The deck is made of a smooth EVA material that when wet becomes slippery.
Made with a single layer of PVC on the top and bottom of the board and a double layer only on the sides to cut material costs. Bows in the middle.
No certification training is available.
With the wide range of water fitness equipment available in the market today, it's easy to become overwhelmed. How do you determine which brand is best? Aren't they all the same? You'll be surprised to learn that the answer is a resounding "NO!"
Especially when it comes to Aquatic Bicycles.
Aquatic Spin Bikes entered the pools a few years back and their popularity as a group fitness class is growing exponentially. But, you should be aware that Aquatic Bicycles brands are similar to car brands; there are some that perform like Volkswagens and others that perform like Mercedes. The temptation is to succumb to purchasing aqua cycles that are shiny and inexpensive. However, you should never sacrifice equipment quality just to save a few bucks.
In the long run, it will cost you more in repairs and you will eventually have to replace the equipment.
Resistance and intensity are adjusted mechanically with the turn of a knob.
The frame is engineered so it is perfectly balanced between the front and rear axle creating solid stability. The bike doesn’t shake when in use.
Reinforced base and four suction cups ensure aqua bicycle adheres to pool floor.
The 74-degree saddle-handlebar angle ensures the best ergonomic position during exercise.
Handlebars and seat are adjustable
Natural acceleration resistance. Resistance is increased or decreased by the participant changing the speed of pedaling. There are no means of mechanically adjusting resistance.
The frame is unbalanced and feels wobbly in the water.
Two suction cups save on costs
Handlebars and seat are adjustable
Nowadays, with the convenience of shopping in the comfort of your own workspace, it’s easy to get lured onto Amazon, or even a generic online fitness equipment store to purchase fitness equipment. Most of the time the equipment is of low quality and when something breaks or if you have a question as to how it works, it’s impossible to find a solution.
Just last week, I had a potential customer call me up about an aqua trampoline she saw on an online website. She had spinal stenosis and wanted to use it for therapy in her above-ground swimming pool that was 3.5 feet deep. She was just about to buy it but had questions. Because there was no direct company contact she called me instead, with the intention of getting her questions answered and then purchasing the cheaper aqua trampoline.
Thankfully, she had the good sense to call. I explained to her that to safely exercise on the aqua trampoline you need to exercise in armpit deep water. With her pool only being 3 feet deep and the trampoline legs being 8 inches tall, she would be exercising with the water level at her mid-thighs, (She was 5’8” tall). The top half of her body would be moving faster than the lower part of her body making exercising unsafe, especially with her medical condition.
When it comes to purchasing aquatic fitness equipment, using a reputable company with a working scientific knowledge of the equipment and exercises is priceless.
If you are like many aquatic directors who see your pool as an opportunity to increase revenue, customer retention, and member usage through fun and challenging group fitness classes, and want to build a program whose very name evokes a sense of health and excitement you need to read this.
Only purchase aquatic fitness equipment from global leaders who have a Nationally Recognized Certification Training Program. Time and time again I receive phone calls from aquatic directors who have purchased off-brand fitness equipment and once they receive it have no idea how to use it, let alone teach others to use it. Their brand new equipment sits on deck or in a storage closet for years and their money has been wasted.
At Aqua Body Strong™, our goal is to build the health and well-being of people across the world. We want them to use our products. It’s as much of a passion for us as it is a business. We take pride in the quality of our equipment and our world-class certification training courses that are focused on safety, skill development, coaching, and execution.
If you are in the fitness industry, I’m sure you share our same passion. Don’t settle for anything less!
Gia Lucy is an EAA international fitness trainer, group fitness instructor, author, and founder of Aqua Body Strong™. As a former competitive gymnast and coach, Gia is enamored with movement, balance, and strength. She holds a B.S. in Biology from CSU, Fullerton, owned and operated a 1500-member health club in San Clemente, California, owns and operates Hanalei Gymnastics in Kauai, and shares her passion for fitness by teaching Aqua Body Strong™ signature classes, dance, and, water fitness around the world.
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