Motivating Men – Be Willing to Make a Change!
How do we get male participants in our pool? How do we keep them coming back? These are long-standing questions of the aquatic fitness industry.
The pool provides my personal training clients amazing results, not just for muscle tone and strength, but for cardiovascular endurance as well. Many of my female clients were happy to try the water and expand their modality of exercising, but the men were a whole other story. I know I shouldn’t be so blunt, but it was like pulling teeth!
However, once they got in, they loved aquatic training.

Men's Motivation: Healthy Competition
Soon I had several men regularly attending aquatic group exercise, and really cranking up the intensity of class. After a few months, I started to notice there were an equal number of men and women in class, sometimes the men would even out number the women! The intensity and aggressive movements of the men motivated the women in class; soon there was some healthy competition going on...
[Originally printed in AKWA Volume 28, Number 4 – December 2014 / January 2015 Aquatic Exercise Association (AEA)]